Tag Archive | book event

Back Doing Author Events!

Wow! I haven’t done a live author event since before Covid! That gives you an idea of how long it’s been since I’ve had a chance to stand in front of people and talk about my books. But, I joined the Long Island Authors Group this year and they put together a bunch of events around Long Island. I was lucky enough to be chosen to go to the Port Washington Harborfest on June 2nd.

My table at Port Washington Harborfest

It was really a beautiful day but I’ll tell you, my biggest challenge was figuring out how many books to bring and what would be good sellers. I only had a 3X3 table so I struggled about what to bring. I learned a lot of things.

#1) I don’t need 10 copies of each novel. It seemed that a lot of folks purchased book #1 in a series or the standalones. No one purchased any of the other 5 books in the Kelsey Porter series or Book #2 in my Flying series. #2) Get collateral for them to take with them. I had a lot of people take my business cards and my bookmarks. I think quite a few will go to Amazon and get the novels on their Kindle. #3) Building up my mailing list. This event was so great for that! BUT, I got home and wow, some of the handwriting was difficult. I’m going to gently take a peek each time from now on after someone fills something out and ask them for clarification if I can’t read their handwriting. Lesson learned!

Lastly, I have a new supernatural thriller launching July 1st! It’s called NOWHERE TO RUN and if you would like to be on my mailing list, please click here and let me know. I’ll do a special announcement to my mailing list when it launches. Don’t you love the cover? I used Creative Paramita!