Tag Archive | douglaspreston

Free ebook to Gift for the Holidays!

I’m so excited to offer some free books to my followers over the next month. This week is THE HUNT FOR XANADU. From December 4th to December 8th I want to invite everyone to go grab a FREE e-book copy of Book #1 in my Kelsey Porter series. The best part is that I’m going to do a little give-away for readers to also win ANY of my 14 books for as an ebook for free! In fact, I’m going to have 10 winners so the chances of winning are really good. EVEN if you already have the book, you can be entered if you follow the rules below!

So, here’s the rules:

Grab your free copy of THE HUNT FOR XANADU from December 4th – December 8th. Come back here to tell me you got one (even if you already have it) and if you gifted it out to five people you will get an additional second entry! Since I have a special set up with Amazon, I can view free purchases, so give-away and get for yourself, please! I’ll be posting the winners this weekend and on next Monday’s blog!

This entire series has been so well received. It was also written up by Douglas Preston on Amazon and he even had the book on a podcast! Here’s his review: The Hunt for Xanadu by Elyse Salpeter is a remarkable novel, a fascinating and fantastical journey in time and space, and one of the most gripping novels I’ve read in a long time. It flies along at the pace of a thriller, with plenty of murder and mayhem along the way. But behind the thrill-ride is a spiritual story, an archetypal tale of mystery and darkness,riddled with fascinating and esoteric concepts in Tibetan Buddhism. Vivid characters, a truly appealing protagonist, unexpected twists, and crisp writing complete this unforgettable book. I can’t wait to read the next one in the series!

Douglas Preston, #1 bestselling author and co-creator, with Lincoln Child, of the Pendergast seriesLove for you to take a peek!

Here’s the link to The Hunt for Xanadu on Amazon. Don’t forget to comment below if you get it and also when you gift it out!

PS. Dreams and hard work do pay off. Here’s me finishing the NY 70.3 Half Ironman on Sept 23rd. Set your mind to something, commit and you can rule the world!