Tag Archive | supernatural thriller

Supernatural Thriller: NOWHERE TO RUN by Elyse Salpeter – Pre-order on Amazon

Hey everyone,

I’ve got a fun announcement. My newest supernatural thriller, NOWHERE TO RUN, is up for Pre-order on Amazon e-book! This is the very first time I’ve ever done a book on pre-order, but if folks are planning on ordering, by doing this it will all hit on launch day and will help me in the rankings incredibly.

I’ll let you in on a secret. I actually started writing this novel well over 20 years ago. It’s been with an agent, was picked up by a publishing house that closed down before launch, then was with 2 different editors where I changed the bad guys at one point. I struggled with some of the concepts of the story and how it would be received. Well, I finally just decided to get it out to the world. It’s typical me and my style. Easy prose, fast paced, a little sexy, a little violent and off the wall ideas. The Official Launch Date is July 1st but if you’re interested, I’d love it if you were planning on grabbing it to possibly consider doing the pre-order. Just $2.99 and I’d love to share it with you. As always, when you’re finished, I’d love an honest review.


Here’s what it’s about! 

When survival comes at a cost…

In the center of the ocean lies a dark secret. Ten strangers, each with a unique gift waiting to be unleashed, find themselves stranded on a remote island.

But their arrival is no accident. Kidnapped and brought there by a shadowy organization, they are pawns in a deadly game of experimentation and manipulation. Their captors believe they possess abilities unlike any seen before, powers that could change the course of humanity and ones they can harness for their own evil purposes.

In this supernatural thriller, where the line between reality and nightmare blurs, the ten must confront their fears and fight for their lives. For on this island, nothing is as it seems, and the true enemy may be closer than they think.

NOWHERE TO RUN is a gripping tale of suspense, romance, and superhuman abilities, where survival is the ultimate test of strength.

I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for your support.
